Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Letter Of About Music

November 24, 2009

Dear Irene,

How are you? It has been two months since we said goodbye in Hong Kong. I have continued my English class I came back here. How about you? How do your things stand with you?

I am glad to hear that you are preparing for trip of sunshine and beaches in Thailand in November . I am waiting to see pictures in your Facebook. As I see it, it must be wonderful.

Last Sunday I went to watch a song and dance drama with my family. Everybody was very interested in the concert held outdoors that evening. The acoustics matched its atmosphere that I was never met matter. The audience was mostly fairytales children and young teens.

The drama idea was children, but I foret the show's name. However there were many singers with a pretty sound and the younger ones were dancing. Their costumes were very beautiful. The music was energetic and lighthearted. Most songs were Disney songs and Children's folk rhymes, so the instruments sound liked that a bunch of fairies singing a waterfall. They also had an artificial raining waterfall. The drama was great, but I did not like outdoor because it was very cold, windy and the chairs were too hard.

By the way, can you borrow the talking shows video of Mr. Wong Chi Wah? Thank you.

Good luck,


What I Am Thankful For

In this Thanksgiving Holiday. I am very thankful for my friends are always helped me anything. After I moved, they gave me television, fan, piano, cabinet, glass, and told me about SC Edison would have free light exchange once a year,... etc.

I am thankful for my church's friend who helped my husband found his job.

I am thankful for my driving teacher jwho helped me to buy used car.

I am thankful for my children's violin teacher who helped me to buy a good sould violin.

I am thankful for teachers, they have had to sustain educate me.

I am thankful for God who gives my home safe and sound.

I have learned as a result. They were volunteers in that my good role models.

During the Thanksgiving Day, we usually go to sister-in-law's house to celebrate this special season too.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Road Not Taken

My life is simple and easy. I decided to move in United States at 2 years ago. I did not stay in my own country to develop my career that was the road I have not taken.
In that time, I just promoted as supervisor for two months. I have a bright future. I firmly believed that I might be raising a manager within two years because the old manager would retire soon.
I turned something over in one's mind to decide. What was my decisive factor? I finally asked myself a question. Would children or career which were important for me. That was only one answer. So I know what did I do.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tell About My Veterans' Holiday

We went to see a movie "Astro Boy" at Veterans' Day. It talked about a scientist was incidential lost his son and took his hair to duplicate hime. However, he was not same because he was a robot. The father felt disappointed and resentful on his product. His son knew him feeling and got sad too. He was finally left home and ran away. However, the ambitious person wantedp him to control the world...

After watching the movie, we went for "high-tea" at Mcdonald and then shopping. We bought a lot of gifts for example bath soaps, body lotions, collections, and birthday gift. In the evening, we chose the early-bird as our dinner. This exciting and funny time was over at seven o'clock and back home. "Mommy, thankyou make us happy today" my kids said on their bed.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Favorite Music

If you ask me what are my favorite kinds of music. I will reply that is folk songs. Why? For it has had tenderized melody. Also it always have played in soft and spry rhythm easy to sing. Moreover, it plays in guitar songs as well. There is nothing kind of music I dislike. Hip-hop music is good if it does not loud and noisyc. And who are my favorite musicians? It is uncertainty, that is not necessarily so person, which have just pleasant to the ears.
What are my favorite songs? Let me tell you. They are "Donna Donna", "Puff", "Carry on till tomorrow", "Take me home country roads", "Monday morning", "Love me tender" and "Lemon tree" because all are pleasant to listen. I have ever attended some concerts, opera, classical, band, orchestra, quartet and choir. My friend and I are very enjoyable to watch opera beacause it has great splendid at the stages.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Unhappiness Couple

I know my sister-in-law and her husband was unhapping couple. They stayed together 21 years because who was patience to my sister-in-law and considering Chinese culture by my sister-in-law's parents.

They usually do not want spending time to enjoy together as well as time apart takecare their children and their love's relationship for their job always busy. So their children were loving their grandparents more than them.

The other problem is my sister-in-law's individualism who likes to control each other. She likes to act as a leader. Even though her husband could put up with her anymore but unhappiness for not respects. However, she likes dependency her husband and order him. Sometimes, she likes each following her rules, for example, her husband could not did anything who was supported her worked at home in holiday. Grandparents and her children went anywhere and her brother went to her house visiting parents without her permission must not do that. Otherwise, she would angry with people and somehow set another rules else. She always persevere in her rule. Do not lay aside things if without her system allow.

I afraid this case by myself reiterant (turn back) and asking oneself several times. It is a hard work, but I have had to remind myself whom could not do that last forever.

Respond To Kenji -- "Help!"

Subj: Some Advice

Date: 10/29/09 10:45:00 AM Western Daylight Time

From: Kanlex@yahoo.com.hk

To: Kenji@newnet.com

I thought it was going to be easy.

I sound like you don't want to break up with your unique girlfriend, Kathy. If you did not really separate with her; you did better start taking action to invite her again. You should communicate with her what about her thinking. What things she needs from you, then, find it out what problem arised between her and yours and trying to come up with a solution. I believe you could find a way out of a difficulty.

By now, you need to come up with a chance, right? You could write an e-mail, sorry card, letter, or asking her friends assist you to committee them. Just tell them that you hope your happiness and saying peaceful goodbye and being a continuely friendship. You might also prepare your some favourites and remembrance pictures. In addition, you could try a gift for her likes. However, you should not argue and being patient one. Keeping your emotional quotient to treat her with more consideration. If you come up again, she would not want to see you again. You need to save your time face up to it. Instead, giving her time to think about it. Try it next time.

Good luck!


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Some Of Traits Important In A Good Relationship

At the below of nine traits are personal qualities which are importance for a good relationship by my opinions:-

1) Love, which I was convinced most people enjoying their life for loves. Mother's love is forever great in the world. Mother protects her children against dog attacking and she doesn't think about herself safety.

2) Joy, which has never broken relationship and still held in the hands. It is still going on friendship and maintain it in the future. Watching my close friend who has always given positive and optimistic to console me when I unhappied. We get well and funny with each other. So far, our friendship have 26 years old.

3) Peace, everyone want to have a peaceafully living with friends. Sometime you may not live with relatives, for example, father and mother-in-law or mother and grandmother. I must had careful to get along with relatives if we live together. I alway remind me a sheet of peace and quiet to keep in mind by myself.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I think a supervisor is a connecter acting relationship amongest of co-worker (subordinates, inferior) and manager.
I remember two years ago that I took over the leadership of branch's accounting section in the Bank Of China (Hong Kong). I had six colleagues helped me. My manager has always requested me to manage some jobs or projects. I contributed my off-time to interflow with manager and planning inpection trips, briefing subordinates to proceed job provision and get ready to start off , listening their dispute, etc.
Anyway, I was enjoyed finishing my job by challenging.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

A Serious Illness Or Injury

My dear heart, son ever had 40% heat injured on his leg of right side in Christmas at nine years old. At that time, I needed to stay at hospital to look after and learning how to prevent disinfectant to flow through his wound at everyday within one month. Thereafter, he had worn pressure pants for three years. Today, he had recovered and resumes a happy boy every day.
Thanks God.

In this event, I could learn prevention and wound handling of fire or heat accident.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


In this Summer, what was my unforgettable matter? Yes, there had a sent-off my father's funeral prepared by me when I pick up my children went to Hong Kong. These were worried about itinerary.

Therefore, my husband said that he would plan another happiness vacation to give us for next Summer. Where is my choice? I will choose to visit Hokkaido, Japan. There is my dream land, even though I don't understand skiing in Winter.

Whenever, there are so much better grown of Lavender and Sun Flower on the field which have nice purple and yellow pictures in Summer. Somebody like to drink the Lavender tea as well. Also there are a lot of fresh seafood that is my favorite. There are not too many people live in Hokkaido as like as suburb.

I told to my daughter this beautiful place and she asked me "Is this a field trip of my 4th grade?" "That's right, it is our family's field trip" I answered.

Hokkaido is a good place for relax. I hope this become my memoriable in the next Summer.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Reading Is Important

Reading will give me a lot of knowledge of life and entertainment to make me an informed person. Reading will grow up my writing skills and power of expression when I correct my spelling and punctuation. Reading always suggests ways that I will improve my mind and full-grown my intellect ion.

Library is a good place of entertainment and learning. So I have chosen this book The Ghost's Grave authored by Peg Kehret. It will build up my interest.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The American Dream

I know someone immigrator has lived the American dream. Almost reason are their desire to prospect their career or future, and to live a good life.

I have a classmate in the medical class. Her father and mother were physicians, and she was a nurse in China. She is a hard work girl even though her English is not well. She learns medical classes from Moday to Friday. At that time, she still has had last subject will be finished up her medical course. At present, she gets a part-time to practice in pharmacy. After well practiced in the pharmacy. I believe she would get a good job. She had married and set up a warm harmony family last year. I confidence she would be accomplished her goals.

How about me? I decided to drop down my job to immigrate from Hong Kong to United State. I hope that there had a good education for my children. Conduction for children are very important. Therefore I need to take care their behavior. Besides, I need to learn the culture of America and improve English too. And also, could be persist in high school program with my children keep on study. That's great!

I wish to achieve my dreams enabling my children's dream could be continued until accomplish their dreams.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


I feel very sad in July because I lost my father in this month. He got a carcinoma in the stomach. I am sorrowing when I read his picture every day.

My Long Weekend - Labor Day

The long weekend, "Labor Day" was nice. My friend's family and I joined together swimming on Friday, I went took "tea time" with my husband on Saturday and helped my family menbers to cut their hair on Sunday. I further have a dinner with relatives on Monday. We went very delicious Chinese restaurant I ever go before.

Though I don't work outside, I work hard every day because take care my lovely children and my handsome husband. They love me because I have good cooking and able have dinner on time. This is not honor labor only, we have a nice woman too.

As a woman I feel much stress at every day. I put much efforts to do the best and let members feel comfortable every day.