Thursday, November 5, 2009

Respond To Kenji -- "Help!"

Subj: Some Advice

Date: 10/29/09 10:45:00 AM Western Daylight Time



I thought it was going to be easy.

I sound like you don't want to break up with your unique girlfriend, Kathy. If you did not really separate with her; you did better start taking action to invite her again. You should communicate with her what about her thinking. What things she needs from you, then, find it out what problem arised between her and yours and trying to come up with a solution. I believe you could find a way out of a difficulty.

By now, you need to come up with a chance, right? You could write an e-mail, sorry card, letter, or asking her friends assist you to committee them. Just tell them that you hope your happiness and saying peaceful goodbye and being a continuely friendship. You might also prepare your some favourites and remembrance pictures. In addition, you could try a gift for her likes. However, you should not argue and being patient one. Keeping your emotional quotient to treat her with more consideration. If you come up again, she would not want to see you again. You need to save your time face up to it. Instead, giving her time to think about it. Try it next time.

Good luck!


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