Thursday, September 17, 2009

The American Dream

I know someone immigrator has lived the American dream. Almost reason are their desire to prospect their career or future, and to live a good life.

I have a classmate in the medical class. Her father and mother were physicians, and she was a nurse in China. She is a hard work girl even though her English is not well. She learns medical classes from Moday to Friday. At that time, she still has had last subject will be finished up her medical course. At present, she gets a part-time to practice in pharmacy. After well practiced in the pharmacy. I believe she would get a good job. She had married and set up a warm harmony family last year. I confidence she would be accomplished her goals.

How about me? I decided to drop down my job to immigrate from Hong Kong to United State. I hope that there had a good education for my children. Conduction for children are very important. Therefore I need to take care their behavior. Besides, I need to learn the culture of America and improve English too. And also, could be persist in high school program with my children keep on study. That's great!

I wish to achieve my dreams enabling my children's dream could be continued until accomplish their dreams.

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