Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What I Am Thankful For

In this Thanksgiving Holiday. I am very thankful for my friends are always helped me anything. After I moved, they gave me television, fan, piano, cabinet, glass, and told me about SC Edison would have free light exchange once a year,... etc.

I am thankful for my church's friend who helped my husband found his job.

I am thankful for my driving teacher jwho helped me to buy used car.

I am thankful for my children's violin teacher who helped me to buy a good sould violin.

I am thankful for teachers, they have had to sustain educate me.

I am thankful for God who gives my home safe and sound.

I have learned as a result. They were volunteers in that my good role models.

During the Thanksgiving Day, we usually go to sister-in-law's house to celebrate this special season too.

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