Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Letter Of About Music

November 24, 2009

Dear Irene,

How are you? It has been two months since we said goodbye in Hong Kong. I have continued my English class I came back here. How about you? How do your things stand with you?

I am glad to hear that you are preparing for trip of sunshine and beaches in Thailand in November . I am waiting to see pictures in your Facebook. As I see it, it must be wonderful.

Last Sunday I went to watch a song and dance drama with my family. Everybody was very interested in the concert held outdoors that evening. The acoustics matched its atmosphere that I was never met matter. The audience was mostly fairytales children and young teens.

The drama idea was children, but I foret the show's name. However there were many singers with a pretty sound and the younger ones were dancing. Their costumes were very beautiful. The music was energetic and lighthearted. Most songs were Disney songs and Children's folk rhymes, so the instruments sound liked that a bunch of fairies singing a waterfall. They also had an artificial raining waterfall. The drama was great, but I did not like outdoor because it was very cold, windy and the chairs were too hard.

By the way, can you borrow the talking shows video of Mr. Wong Chi Wah? Thank you.

Good luck,


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