Thursday, October 22, 2009

Some Of Traits Important In A Good Relationship

At the below of nine traits are personal qualities which are importance for a good relationship by my opinions:-

1) Love, which I was convinced most people enjoying their life for loves. Mother's love is forever great in the world. Mother protects her children against dog attacking and she doesn't think about herself safety.

2) Joy, which has never broken relationship and still held in the hands. It is still going on friendship and maintain it in the future. Watching my close friend who has always given positive and optimistic to console me when I unhappied. We get well and funny with each other. So far, our friendship have 26 years old.

3) Peace, everyone want to have a peaceafully living with friends. Sometime you may not live with relatives, for example, father and mother-in-law or mother and grandmother. I must had careful to get along with relatives if we live together. I alway remind me a sheet of peace and quiet to keep in mind by myself.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I think a supervisor is a connecter acting relationship amongest of co-worker (subordinates, inferior) and manager.
I remember two years ago that I took over the leadership of branch's accounting section in the Bank Of China (Hong Kong). I had six colleagues helped me. My manager has always requested me to manage some jobs or projects. I contributed my off-time to interflow with manager and planning inpection trips, briefing subordinates to proceed job provision and get ready to start off , listening their dispute, etc.
Anyway, I was enjoyed finishing my job by challenging.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

A Serious Illness Or Injury

My dear heart, son ever had 40% heat injured on his leg of right side in Christmas at nine years old. At that time, I needed to stay at hospital to look after and learning how to prevent disinfectant to flow through his wound at everyday within one month. Thereafter, he had worn pressure pants for three years. Today, he had recovered and resumes a happy boy every day.
Thanks God.

In this event, I could learn prevention and wound handling of fire or heat accident.